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Food, over 100 Craft Vendors, and Community Organizations!

Food, over 100 Craft Vendors, and Community Organizations!

Saturday, July 18 12:00 AM

4 College Ave, Somerville

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Craftsters and crafty companies like Stonehouse Studio, Albertine Press, Serenity Bamboo Flutes, Cody’s Creations, Abby Berson Ceramics, Your Turn Art, Studio Nine Photography, Fire Garden Pottery, Crumple and Toss, Carland Cartography, Henna by Heather, Look At Me Designs, SAYA Studio, Designed by Lainie, Custom Woodworks, Madea Y Metal, Mudflat Studio, Bhugs Inc, Stella Marie Soap Company, Little Man, Zooguu, Guilday Glass, Sete Productions, Heavenly Cranes Jewelry, Many Colored Glass, gomobyjo Jewelry Designs, Aron Leaman Custon Art Glass, Remarkable Blackbird, Joyo, Fish Rubbings, Urban Kitchen yeiou: paper objects, Momo Glassworks, Morel Woodcarvings, Chikako Mukai, Ogusky Ceramics, Kaya’s Kloset, Fishcakes, Miles of Smiles, Cuttings Boards by Dave, Bike-ware Accessories, Passionato Books, LookA Jewelry, Dine-Art by Don Sawyer, Stone Street Tye-Dye, A to Zoo, Thomas Park Gifts, Middle Dune, The Qulited Chuppah, Filomena’s House, Sepialepus Illustrations, Storyteller Jewelry Toiluxe as well as dozens of other vendors. Bring your pocketbooks and wallets because this is a shopping opportunity not to miss.

Community Organizations like the STEP, Brown PTA, Single Volunteers Boston, Friends of the Somerville Library, Mystic River Assoc., Project Have Hope, Somerville Garden Club, Big Sister Assoc of Boston, Actor’s Shakespears Project, The Welcome Project, Temple Binai Brith, Somerville Homelss Coalition,  Somerville Climate Action, Friends of the Comm Path, Honk, SCATV, OpenAir Circus, Somerville Commissions, The Women Commisssion, Outsides the Lines, Cambridge Friends School, Acropolis Boston, First Church Somerville, Artisan’s Asylum, Kennedy School Drama Program, Communities for People, Education First (EF International), Art at the Armory, Winchester School of Chinese Culture, Artisan Asylum, Outside the Lines, Alejandro Yegros Caricatures, Elizabeth Stone facepainting will also have information tables and activies.

There will also be food galore!