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BIPOC 2022

Dancing my Blues Away, work by Tori Weston

BIPOC 2022

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During the Fall 2020 while COVID was raging and the desire to be reflective about how arts resources reach the community, the Arts Council developed a local Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) support initiative. Since then, we have released over $261,000 to the BIPOC community in forms of fellowships and project grants. Please see below some of the outcomes from this support.

Open Call for BIPOC artists and producers:
In 2022, we launched a Pop-up series at the Armory Building for local BIPOC artists to help support programming and provide temporary space to that community. This initiative aims to provide a safe and vibrant space to be led by artists of color. The desire is for this space to be utilized as a way for all of the community to connect with each other through the arts. The space is intended for artists of all ages and levels to find support and growth -- an encouraging and community-driven space.  This space features new curators and concepts on a rotational basis.

To learn more and apply please fill out this google form.

For more information about this work, reach out to Iaritza Menjivar imenjivar(at)


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