To quote Wicked Local: 'Dyanna' is "a ... life-size Astrobot, designed and built by local Somerville sculptor, Kirk Tegelaar, more commonly known as 'Skunk', of Skunkadelia, at the Somernova campus." and "Comprised of objects such as a steel scuba tank for the cranium, MBTA garage door springs for legs and a swivel ball from a 1962 Land Rover Station wagon for the jaw, Dyanna is the largest Astrobot built to date by the sculptor." The sculpture weighs 800 pounds.
The work is located along the walkway leading to Aeronaut Brewing company.
Skunk taught TIG welding at the Artisans Asylum, which was located next to Brooklyn Bouldering Project on Tyler St. He is also the founder of SCUL, a Boston-based sci-fi fueled bicycle chopper gang, operating since 1996.