Made By Wes
Submitted by Made By Wes Fur... on

Made By Wes Wes
Desiging and creating custom furniture, sculpture, and historic pieces
Artistic Genres:
Submitted by Made By Wes Fur... on
Desiging and creating custom furniture, sculpture, and historic pieces
Submitted by Peaceable Prints on
Eco-Friendly, Hand-printed Tees & Onesies, Custom Tees, Recycled Greeting Cards, Invitations & Gift Tags.
peace·a·ble: inclined or disposed to peace; amiable, dovish, friendly, gentle, pacific, peaceful, peace-loving, placid, unwarlike
Peaceable Prints is just what the name says. I strive to use printmaking as a way to spread peace and love to others. My hope is that my products and my designs can be used as a way to celebrate life and lift spirits.